Notes from the Founder’s Speech at the opening ceremony of Café Swasthya

Notes from the Founder’s Speech at the opening ceremony of Café Swasthya. A must watch.
On learning invaluable lessons during the last four years!

Why Café Swasthya ? Part -1

Notes from the Founder’s speech from the opening ceremony throwing light upon the vision, and giving insight into health issues resulting due to metabolic disorder.

Today, the world is grappling with numerous health issues, ranging from diabetes, liver disorders to general debility, poor sexual health, weak nervous system etc. that further build up multiple issues, and tend to create a highly complex diseased body.

One major source of such complexes is metabolic disorder or dysfunction, and when this sets in within the body, then the body gradually starts to move towards a diseased state. Symptoms could include : weight gain, high blood pressure, increase in cholesterol levels, heart health and diabetes etc.

This dysfunction takes place at the cell level, and therefore when the metabolism starts to go wrong then, everything goes wrong. Metabolism is a prime function of Pitta ( fire) within the body. Pitta is the fire ( Agni) that is responsible for digestion, metabolism and transformation within the body. Liver is the seat of Pitta and is responsible for processing the food and converting it into energy, so that we can use that energy to live our lives. It is responsible for breaking down and absorption of nutrients, removing toxins and for purifying the blood. Therefore, disturbance in Pitta and metabolism adversely affects liver health.

How does the metabolic disorder or dysfunction start ?

It starts when Pitta gets disturbed, and is left disturbed for a long period of time. Usually, Pitta gets disturbed when you eat wrong consistently over a period of time.

Some sources of eating wrong :

  • Stale or over processed or packaged food
  • Excess intake of fermented foods.
  • Consuming foods and beverages that carry artificial flavouring, scents or preservatives or emulsifiers.
  • Eating in stress.
  • In the next video we will cover more points that create disturbance in the metabolism.

    Café Swasthya is here to address such concerns!

    Why Café Swasthya ? Part - 2

    Notes from the Founder’s speech at the opening ceremony, throwing light upon experimentation of recipes that create havoc in the digestive processes and disturb the Doshas.

    Experimentation of creating recipes, without checking for compatibility of ingredients seems to be a common practice amongst some of the new age restaurants and cafés. Consuming such foods on a regular basis creates havoc in the stomach, and in the whole digestive system leading to disturbance in Pitta, which only aggravates over a period of time.

    A similar case is noticeable with consumption of artificial sweeteners, flavours, scents, and preservatives on a regular basis.

    Another point of concern is wrongful eating habits or lifestyles that hamper one’s health.

    According to Ayurveda, “You are not what you eat.You are how you eat. “ And therefore, one must pay attention to eating in a calm and relaxed manner, while also keeping in mind which foods and beverages to consume in what order, to ensure a smooth digestion and metabolism within the body.

    At Café Swasthya :

  • We use 100 % natural ingredients that are freshly sourced, this includes freshly milled flours, fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs and spices from authentic vendors.
  • We do not use artificial flavouring, preservatives, or scents or colours
  • All our recipes are backed by R & D, to ensure compatibility of ingredients and are designed to help balance the Tridosha within the body.
  • We serve taste with health.
  • We empower individuals to learn more about their bodies, and help them make choices with a greater sense of awareness.
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